Investing in Others

Mike Wittmer Our Daily Bread Ministries All rights reserved-Published with permission Investing in Others Bible in a Year : Nehemiah 1–3 Acts 2:1–21 Use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves. Luke 16:9 Today's Scripture & Insight : Luke 16:1–12 When a corporation offered one thousand frequent-flier miles for every ten purchases of one of their foods, one man realized their cheapest product was individual cups of chocolate pudding. He bought more than twelve thousand. For $3,000, he received gold status and a lifetime supply of air miles for himself and his family. He also donated the pudding to charity, which netted him an $800 tax write-off. Genius! Jesus told a controversial parable about a cunning manager who, as he was being fired, reduced what debtors owed his master. The man knew he could rely on their help later for the favor he was doing them now. Jesus wasn’t praising the manager’s unethical business practice, but He knew we could learn fr...